Customer Cancellation: Please contact and quote your order number, if you decide to cancel your order. However, please note that you can only cancel an order that has not yet accepted your order.
No delivery will be made after cancellation.
Platform Cancellation/Delivery Hazard: reserves the sole right to cancel any order in the following circumstances:
The is unable to provide your order or if [Your Online Shop] is unable to process the order for you due to any other reason. (Before/After Acceptance)
if any one of your items is not available or cannot be prepared by the at any given time. In this case, will call you to determine whether you want to proceed with the partial order.
if your designated delivery address falls outside the delivery radius of .
if your designated delivery address and the address selected GPS location in the App does not match.
Delivery personnel fail to contact you even after all reasonable attempts are made through mobile and/or at your doorstep.
we detect any fraudulent and/or illegal use of the platform from your side.